Thursday, 17 March 2011

Ice Warriors Pre-Tournament Interview

1. What can the Ice Warriors fans expect to see from you, what are your strengths in on-ice combat?
A. That I'm coming to win. I'm a well rounded fighter with knockout power.
2. Do you have any scores to settle with any of the fighters who will be present? A. No, I won't turn down any fights in this tournament, and after I win it, I won't turn down my sleeves in the bar either.
3. Any fighters in hockey or other combat sports you look up to? A. Gino Odjick, Muhammad Ali,and Jean Claude Van Damme.
4. Please say a word for the fans and the media, something to get them going and gain interest in you? A. I been fighting since the 90's. I'll show you Europeans fans a real "Indian" warrior.

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