Wednesday, 16 March 2011


places i've fought, kamloops, prince george, kelowna, regina, edmonton, red deer, brandon, lethbridge, portland, calgary, camrose,  flin flon, estavan, lebret, notre dame, nipiwan, melville, kindersley, the pas, dauphin, portage,beausejour, gimili, oakbank,  yorkton, winnipeg, toronto, sudbury, bradford, newmarket, sarnia, fisher river, peguis, sagkeeng, listiguj,
montreal, sherbrooke, laval, st georges, verdun, thetford mines, quebec city trios rivieres,port huron, muskegon, flint, glens falls, elmira, new haven, quad city, altona ,cornwall, akwesasne, richmond, winston salem fayetteville, huntsville, jacksonviile, knoxville,columbus, macon, memphis, fort worth , laredo, salt lake city, keesee, elphinstone, strathclair shoal lake,and minot
i've fought hurt, scared, calm, angry, hung over, stoned, on coffees, on energy drinks, on ephedrine pills, caffiene pills, advils, cortisone shot, with a torn bicep, healthy, in shape, all natural, well prepared, un prepared,
at 800pm sharp, at 8 in the morning, 10 in the morning,2 in the afternoon,in parking lots, after the bar, at parties, in the school yard, on the ice, in the ring, in the cage , and on pay per view.
ive fought on a days notice, i fought on 4 weeks notice, i've fought when asked, i fought for free , i fought for a spot on a team, i fought cause i didnt like someone,i fought friends, i fought 1100 a week, i fought for 275 ,i fought for 100 dollars, i foguht for 3000 dollars, i fought for 400 , i fought for 20 dollars
 i fought at 183 pounds, and 230 pounds, ive fought big guys, little guys , fast guys , slow guys, tall guys, white guys, black guys, frenchmen, americans, crees, russians,
 i fought in front of 50 people,100 1000 2000 5000 8000 10000 13000, and this weekendim going to fight  in rocky mountain house.
since then, I've fought in toughman competitions, the regina mall in a main event exhibition boxing match, and overseas in espoo finland,

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