Wednesday 8 June 2011

The Health of Lake Winnipeg

I watched a video about the health of Lake Winnipeg on recently because I was wondering about the causes in the rise of phospherous levels. According to the documentary, the hydro damns are the reason for the rise in the levels of algea blooms, not solely run-off from the hog farms as it seemed to be portrayed in the media. Lake Winnipegs water level flucuates in the spring naterally, which has a big effect on the lake through the marshs. The marshs act as the kidneys to the lake, and with the damn stabalizing the water levels, the plant life in them are not germanating in the spring. This also affects the wildlife, they ducks have left the marshs since the damns were built in the 70s. The damns also keep the algea blooms locked into the lake and not releasing them down the river stream and into the Arctic Ocean. Lake Winnipeg is reported to be at levels Lake Erie was at when it was declared a dead lake. The fish population is expected to crash soon, as the lake dies from the bottom up. This viseo is available to view on cbc's website.
I read in the paper yesterday(WPG SUNeditorial), a Manitoba Hydro employee defending his employer saying that MB Hydro does not control the damns, specifically Fairford Damn.

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