Thursday, 21 April 2011

Native issues off the radar- Candidates questioned on how they would help / WPG Free Press April 21

St. Theresa Point resident Kevin Taylor isn't getting much help from federal politicians on his top-two problems -- the lack of running water in his house and the shortage of health and social services for people like him with chronic ailments.
What he might get, though, is a new slop bucket.
Last week, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada delivered 200 buckets, topped by toilet seats, to Taylor's neighbours in nearby Garden Hill First Nation. Aboriginal leaders say hundreds more slop buckets have been delivered to other remote reserves.
That gift highlights slow progress on permanent water and sewer solutions and the lack of attention aboriginal issues receive on the national campaign trail.
"The two biggest issues of water and health are not even on the radar," said Northern Grand Chief David Harper of Manitoba Keewatinowi Okimakanak.
Harper said Taylor's case is a tragic example. Taylor, who has cerebral palsy and can't walk, must often be carried to the outhouse by his father and has no access to services like vocational training, home care or physiotherapy on his reserve. He'd be more likely to get those services if he lived off reserve and was the responsibility of the provincial government.
Taylor's family has filed a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission, alleging the disparity in services on and off reserve amounts to discrimination.
While they wait on their formal complaint, Taylor's mother, Alice, hopes party leaders and federal candidates in their riding of Churchill offer some creative ways to bridge the gap in services.
NDP candidate Niki Ashton says social and health services on many remote reserves are getting worse, not better.
She said her party would lift the cap that limits annual funding increases to First Nations to two per cent. And she said she will continue to lobby for clean drinking water and indoor plumbing for thousands of northern residents who don't have either.
Ashton was in Garden Hill last week when the slop pails were delivered.
"This is the response INAC deems appropriate," said Ashton. "What's going on here isn't just inadequate, it's disgusting."
Liberal candidate and former MKO grand chief Sydney Garrioch said his party has been clear that sewer and water infrastructure will be built on reserves that need it.
"It is very devastating to see in homes I visit, the people who are elderly, the handicapped, the children, all who have no proper water and sewage systems," said Garrioch. "To live in these conditions is unacceptable."
Green party candidate Alberteen Spence said her party would cancel corporate tax cuts and use that money to reinvest in housing, clean water and education.
Despite several attempts in recent days, Tory candidate Wally Daudrich did not respond to requests for comment.
Comments (wisdom from Manitoba's ignorant racists on how to fix reserves)
there is nothing preventing any aboriginal person from breaking free from the treaties and living with the rest of us in 2011. Want to open a hunting & fishing business - the supports are there. You don't need the Indian Act to tell you want you can and can't do, unless you want the perceived benefits from this Act.

To me, I find the benefits provided from the Act aren't benefits at all, in fact they encourage people not to work and instill a sense of entitlement. Aboriginal people will get nowhere unless they find something that will fulfill a personal sense of accomplishment and pride of ownership. You can't have a sense of accomplishment when you receive handouts and you don't have pride in ownership when you are given a house to live in.

So once again, the fate of aboriginal people are in their hands. Go to any of the universities and colleges in this provinces and you'll see a wealth of scholarships and bursaries exclusively for aboriginals. Go to the crown corps and all levels of government and you'll find internships and preferential hiring plans for aboriginals. Go to a business development centre and you'll find education and funding for aboriginals.

The resources are there, but your chiefs and councils are reaping the rewards while keeping you in the dark on where the real money is going. Terry Nelson just proves my point.

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